Todd Levitt Announces Upcoming Seminar, DePaul University, September 2016
Todd Levitt, founder, Levitt Law Seminars, is pleased to announce, 2016 seminar “How to Launch, Maintain and Operate the Business of Law” at DePaul University on September 24 2016. Registration is now open and limited to first 100 attendees. For more details or to...
Michigan Driver License Restoration lawyer, TODD LEVITT, Get your license back!
How Can I Get My Michigan Drivers License Back? Michigan is one of those states where your driving privileges can be suspended or revoked for a number of reasons. If you or someone you know falls into one of the following categories relief may be available: 1) Implied...
Roscommon County, Marijuana Possession, TODD LEVITT, Drug Lawyer
UBLIC HEALTH CODE (EXCERPT) Act 368 of 1978333.7403 Knowingly or intentionally possessing controlled substance, controlled substance analogue, or prescription form; violations; penalties; discharge from lifetime probation. Sec. 7403. (1) A person shall not knowingly...
Gladwin County, DUI Lawyer, TODD LEVITT, Drunk Driving
MICHIGAN VEHICLE CODE (EXCERPT)Act 300 of 1949257.625 Operating motor vehicle while intoxicated; “operating while intoxicated” defined; operating motor vehicle when visibly impaired; penalties for causing death or serious impairment of a body function; operation of...
Clare County, DUI Lawyer, Todd Levitt, Drunk Driving
MICHIGAN VEHICLE CODE (EXCERPT)Act 300 of 1949257.625 Operating motor vehicle while intoxicated; “operating while intoxicated” defined; operating motor vehicle when visibly impaired; penalties for causing death or serious impairment of a body function; operation of...
CMU Student Involvement, Attorney TODD LEVITT, CMU Student Lawyer
Student Organizations at Central Michigan University Central Michigan University offers almost 400 registered student organizations (RSO's). The Office of Student Activities and Involvement allows students to search for student organizations that interest them, and...
CMU Campus Living Procedures, TODD LEVITT, Central Michigan Student Lawyer,
Every fall new students embark on Central Michigan University with aspirations of being successful. In order to be successful it is important to be aware of certain activities, or actions that could get you in trouble with the university and possibly the law. Central...
Universities May Be Able To Restrict Student’s Exercise of Free Speech
FRIDAY, 2/12/16 MOUNT PLEASANT, MI Students at Auburn University in Alabama are not happy with the University’s policy of restricting free speech on campus. Last week, a group of students who belong to Young Americans for Liberty received citations and were forced to...
American students are voyaging across the ocean for free education
Tuesday, 2/23/16 MOUNT PLEASANT, MI As college tuition continues to rise, so does the number of students crossing the ocean to attend college for free elsewhere. Free? Free. CNN Money reports that, as of January 2016, there are 44 European schools that offer...
Crawford County, Drug Lawyer, TODD LEVITT, Marijuana possession
UBLIC HEALTH CODE (EXCERPT) Act 368 of 1978 333.7403 Knowingly or intentionally possessing controlled substance, controlled substance analogue, or prescription form; violations; penalties; discharge from lifetime probation. Sec. 7403. (1) A person shall not knowingly...