CMU, What is A Security Deposit? When Does Landlord Have to Return it? TODD LEVITT, Central Michigan Lawyer
WHAT IS A SECURITY DEPOSIT & WHEN DO I GET IT BACK? A security deposit is any prepayment of rent, other than the first full rental payment period established in the lease. It is important to know a security deposit shall not exceed 1.5 times the monthly rent. For...
What happens if I get an MIP in Mount Pleasant Michigan ? TODD LEVITT, CMU, March 18th 2013
What happens if I receive a MIP ticket in Mount Pleasant Michigan? You have a number of options to consider if you or someone you know receives an MIP ticket. 1) Always consult with a lawyer.2) Diversion Program: Mount Pleasant Michigan has a program through the...
Central Michigan University, Controlled Substance, Alcohol, Student Code of Conduct, TODD LEVITT, Possession of Marijuana
Responsibilities of CMU Students 3.1.2 The University shall take disciplinary action in cases concerning a student's actions or offenses occurring within or affecting people on property within the physical boundaries of Central Michigan University, on or affecting...
Joint and Several Liability Lease V. Individual Liability Lease, Mount Pleasant Michigan, CMU, TODD LEVITT
Joint and Several Liability Lease V. Individual Liability Lease In Michigan, when you sign a lease agreement, you sign a contract. Whether you are a tenant or a landlord, you contractually have obligations to perform certain duties and assume certain...
If you are charged with an MIP in Mount Pleasant Michigan you have a number of options: TODD LEVITT
If you are charged with an MIP in Mount Pleasant Michigan you have a number of options: 1) You should always consult with a lawyer. 2) Diversion Program: Mount Pleasant Michigan has a program through the city attorney's office called Diversion. Diversion allows you to...
CMU STUDENTS, Definitions and Consequences of Drinking and Driving Offenses in The State of Michigan, TODD LEVITT
Definitions and Consequences of Drinking and Driving Offenses in The State of Michigan By: Todd Levitt ZERO TOLERANCE MCL 257.625 (6) (Person under 21 w/BAC) No statutory jail required, maximum fine $250, License Sanctions: 1st offense: 30 day suspension with...
Mount Pleasant, Michigan Lawyer Todd Levitt, Possession of Marijuana, DUI, Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort
Were you or someone you know sitting in a motor vehicle at the Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort and got busted for smoking marijuana or drunk driving? Mount Pleasant Michigan Lawyer Todd Levitt specializes in criminal defense where someone was attending a concert,...
Driver’s License Restoration,TODD LEVITT, CENTRAL MICHIGAN, DUI, Possession of Marijuana, March 7th 2013
Suspensions vs. Revocations Suspensions vs. Revocations Suspensions: Definition: Privilege to drive is suspended for some definitive period of time (one year or less); license privilege is typically restored after this period without the necessity of a DAAD hearing....
CMU Student Lawyer, Todd Levitt, Mount Pleasant Lawyer, March 5th 2013, Drug-Sniffing Dogs, News
I. The Fourth Amendment Is the Sentinel at the Threshold Guarding Against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures. At the very core of the Fourth Amendment is the right of an individual to be free from governmental intrusion in his own home. Silverman v United States, 365...
Michigan Supreme Court rules Marijuana Dispensaries Illegal, TODD LEVITT, CMU Student Lawyer, Feb 8th 2013
Businesses can’t sell pot, the Michigan Supreme Court said in a pivotal ruling that should close all medical marijuana dispensaries in the state. In a 4-1 ruling released today, the high court upheld a 2011 state Court of Appeals ruling that said patient-to-patient...