Michigan Drunk Driving Offenses
Michigan, Drunk Driving Lawyer, Todd L. Levitt

Zero Tolerance– 1st
- BAC: Any amount in persons under 21 years of age
- Maximum Jail: 0 Days
- Maximum Fine: $250
- Secretary of State will suspend license
- 90 day restricted license
- Screening and Assessment for substance abuse and rehabilitation is possible
- Vehicle subject to immobilization
- Community Service
- Defendant may be ordered to pay the cost of prosecution and emergency service
- $500 a year Driver Responsibilty Fee for 2 years.
Operating While Visibly Impaired (OWVI)- 1st
- BAC: If jury believes any amount of alcohol impaired a person’s ability to drive, they may be charged
- Lesser offense compared to OWI
- Maximum Jail: 93 Days
- Maximum Fin3: $300
- Secretary of State will suspend license
- 90 day restricted license
- Screening and Assessment for substance abuse and rehabilitation is possible
- Vehicle subject to immobilization
- Defendant may be ordered to pay the cost of prosecution and emergency service
- $500 a year Driver Responsibility Fee for 2 years.
Operating While Intoxicated (OWI)- 1st
- BAC: .08-.17
- Maximum Jail Time: 93 Days
- Maximum Fine: $100-$500
- Secretary of State will suspend license
- after 1st 30 days restricted up to 6 months
- Screening and Assessment for substance abuse and rehabilitation is possible
- Vehicle subject to immobilization
- Community Service
- Defendant may be ordered to pay the cost of prosecution and emergency service
- $1000 a year Driver Responsibilty Fee for 2 years
Super Drunk- 1st
- BAC: .17 or more
- Maximum Jail Time: 180 Days
- Maximum Fin: $200-$700
- Secretary of State will suspend license
- 45 day hard suspension followed by restrictions for remainder of year with required ignition interlock device.
- Screening and Assessment for substance abuse and rehabilitation is possible
- Vehicle subject to immobilization
- Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device will be ordered at defendant’s expense
- Community Service
- Defendant may be ordered to pay the cost of prosecution and emergency service
- $1000 a year Driver Responsibility Fee for 2 years.
Todd L. Levitt, has representing DUI, Drinking & Driving for more than 20 years.
Levitt Law Firm & Todd L. Levitt can be reached for a free consultation at 989-772-6000