Dr Bob Townsend, seeking election to represent the residents of the 97th House district which covers Arenac County, Gladwin County, Clare County and the eastern portion of Oscela County as a Democrat appears on this weeks show. Dr Bob, discusses everything from passing legislation to legalize marijuana, education as well as representing the people of his district. Dr Bob, joins Todd L. Levitt and Nikki Morrissette in a humorous discussion about turtles, politics and other issues that provide the voter insight into the family man and physician. During one segment, Attorney, Todd L. Levitt, updates the audience on the penalties in Michigan for operating a watercraft while under the influence of intoxicants or controlled substances. This episode is one filled with information, law and as always a twist of humor.
For more information on Dr. Bob Townsend’s Campaign, checkout, www.RobertTownsendfor97.com.
This weeks show is dedicated to Tyler B. Webb’s grandfather, U.S. Marine, Clyde McCollum.