by cmladmin | Nov 28, 2016 | Blog
The Michigan State Senate passed a package of bills that will legalize and regulate medical marijuana dispensaries and non-smokable forms of the drug, aka, edibles. In this episode Todd and Nikki discuss in its entirety what it all means. discussion centers around...
by cmladmin | Nov 28, 2016 | The Todd L. Levitt Radio Show
Dr. Robert Townsend, Democratic candidate for the Michigan House of Representatives, 97th District, returns as a guest to the show. This episode is filled with humor, law and how Dr. Townsend will best represent the interest of the citizens of Michigan and the 97th...
by cmladmin | Nov 28, 2016 | The Todd L. Levitt Radio Show
In this episode Todd and Nikki open the show with a humorous tailgating story regarding a Mini Cooper. During the first segment, Todd discusses landlords refusing to lease to convicted felons. Segments 2 & 3 provide the listeners insight into selecting a jury...
by cmladmin | Nov 28, 2016 | Blog
This episode from start to finish is filled with information pertaining to the new law Michigan Governor Snyder signed September 21st. “medical marijuana facilities licensing act” which allows an individual or corporation to apply for one of the following: (1) A...
by cmladmin | Nov 28, 2016 | Blog
This episode is high energy, entertaining, informative and will leave you pumped up for more. Todd & Nikki discuss Voter Fraud, Halloween, Marijuana, Grocery Store Shopping and much more. This show will be one you will listen to over and over.