Tuesday, 2/23/16


As college tuition continues to rise, so does the number of students crossing the ocean to attend college for free elsewhere.

Free? Free.
CNN Money reports that, as of January 2016, there are 44 European schools that offer tuition-less educations; allowing students to earn their bachelor’s degree for free.  Public institutions in Germany, Iceland, Norway, and Finland are free for residents and international students.

The best part about it is that these universities are implementing programs strictly to attract international students. These public universities, as well as some private universities, are designing programs that taught in English.  Although having a general background in the native tongue is recommended, it is no longer essential; allowing for a larger selection of universities.

BBC established that 4,600 American students are currently enrolled in German universities and that that number is steadily increasing.

Even if a student chooses to attend a European university that is not completely free, the cost is still much cheaper.  On average, attending a university in the United States cost $31,000 over the 2014-2015 school year.  In Europe, students pay a semester fee that rarely above €150 (equivalent to approximately $165). The cost of eight semesters in Europe is a minuscule amount when juxtaposed with just one semester in a university in the United States.

Putting cost aside, the experience of studying in another country is priceless.  Being exposed to a different culture and an array of different systematic thought processes can only enrich someone’s outlook.  Expanding one’s educational horizon isn’t always easy, so why not consider taking the opportunity when it comes at little to no cost?

Seth Canner

Assistant Editor-In-Chief
Levitt Law Firm, Law Clerk