If you receive a ticket for Minor in Possession in the state of Michigan you might be eligible for a deferred sentence.

A typical Deferred Sentence, the conviction will not be placed on the public record if you successfully complete the terms of probation.

In Isabella County, Mount Pleasant Michigan a term of probation includes the following:

*4-Months’ probation, non-reporting, a Deferral Fee of up to $250.00 paid by close of business the day you appear in court.
*You must obtain a screening and assessment and follow any recommendations.
*You are not to consume alcohol or go to places where served such as the Wayside.
*You cannot leave Michigan without permission from the court.
*You cannot violate any law of any unit of government.

Other possible sanctions could include: Victim Impact Panel, Third Strike Program, Responsible Driving Program, and Community Service.

If you have already used the Deferred Sentence in the past and now received another Minor in Possession you will not have the option to use it again. If you end up having to plea guilty to an MIP 1st the following penalties apply:

* Conviction goes on record with a fee of up to $250.00
*4-Months’ Probation
*You must obtain a screening and assessment and follow any recommendations.
*Community Service
*Cannot violate any law of any unit of government
*You cannot leave Michigan without permission from court.
*Victim impact panel.
*You are not to consume alcohol or go to places where alcohol is served.
*You could be ordered to attend AA.
*You could be ordered to take a responsible driving program.

CMU Student Lawyer Todd Levitt has been representing Central Michigan University students for more than 17 years. Todd Levitt is a CMU Alumni is also teaches as an adjunct professor in the School of Business at CMU.
Todd Levitt can be reached for a free consultation at 989-772-6000, [email protected]